Monday, October 22, 2007

One week down Five to go

Well one week in to the election campaign and I thought I would supply a wrap for y'all.

Obviously the biggest news of the week and the most important for all voting Australians was the Chasers team making reference to "The Don" my voting was certainly up in the air waiting to see how both sides would handle this grave assault on our national identity. Lucky for comedians everywhere, the boys from the bastion of political bias, the wretched ABC where shot down by both sides. Unfortunately that means we will have to make up our voting minds on some of the more trivial matters of the 21st Century like climate change, industrial relations, Iraq, tax cuts and educational policy.

I would now like to throw my support behind John Howard in the ridiculousness of the ACA "pop quiz" Tracey do you really think that the Prime Minister, the Opposition Leader and any other fool who chooses to serve our nation can't use google or rely on the 100,000+ people that work for the Australian Public Service. I for one do not care if our PM knows the price of a loaf of bread, a schooner at the Rooty Hill RSL or the current cash rate. If you are lucky enough to be interviewing the PM please do the right thing by the public of Australia and ask some decent questions.

Keeping in the Channel 9 section of the world - The Worm - the talking point of the morning. Channel 9 had there feed cut due to the worm making an appearance not once but twice. 9 ended up pirating the debate off Sky News. Made for a 0.5 sec delay but I dealt with it. Channel 9 defying the wishes of the Prime Minister, Kerry will be rolling in his grave. The worm unsurprisingly gave the debate to Rudd, as it did to Latham (now we really missed out on some interesting times there) and Beazely. However the PM did appear a little angry last night that he was even on the same level as Rudd, but remember incumbency is no favour in the debate hence why Howard got in over and done with in the first week. He can now go back to his position of superiority over Rudd a place he is far more comfortable.

Everyone gets a Tax cut this week but under labour in year 6, 12 families in Doonside may pay $600 a year more if the earn more than $80,000 have a dog and only have been skiing once in Austria.

Bring on Week 2 of who’s a better economic manager and lets see how many times the Labor party will reference Peter Costello as the heir apparent. Apparently this Idea scares nearly everyone including the PM. My feeling is if the Lib/Nats win Costello should prepare his “et tu John” speech as we pave the way for anyone but to take over, hell who doesn’t want Tony Abbott as PM?

1 comment:

Margs said...

Nicky, Nicky, Nicky.... Did either of the pollies comment on educational funding? ...perhaps in the literacy arena?