Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Contribution....

mmm...no contact weekend. Interesting. I believe we're booked in for a very sober and sensible evening on Friday with a certain Jim Smith and Nero. I am still staying strong on the no alcohol month, so this may seriously test my resolve.

Since this week has been ridiculously hectic and promises to remain so for the next three days at the annual ARCS conference (Association of Regulatory and Clinical Scientists - what a hoot that will be!). I'll be on my best behaviour and all suited up, with a voice that is threatening to dessert me I'm in for one helluva week. Hence the "no contact" weekend may be just what I need to recover and regain some solitude in my life.

I may do brunch.

I may also get my nails done.

Damn I lead an exciting and break necked paced (no pun intended lady) existence.


Shari said...
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Shari said...

oy_don't knock ARCS. I am willingly being a nerd and attending by choice on Thursday. However saying that, maybe I am not a nerd but actually sneakily getting a free day off work, attend sessions as I choose, getting free lunch and drinks and going around being given free gifts from companies hoping that I will leave my current job. You choose. Nerd or work slacker??