The main plan for this w'end is to continue the resurrection and bonding with my bike. The bonding bit might seem a bit strange to you all but having bought this bike 2nd hand I've never really felt 'at one' with it. So a couple of weeks ago I started a rebuild which entails taking all the bits off it, cleaning them, taking some of them to the bike shop where the assistant invariably laughs and says something like - "oh, we've not seen that style of X in a long time, they don't manufacter that anymore, you'll have to change it to Y instead". Y being a whole crap load more expensive of course. As part of this mission I've turned the "shoe room", sorry "sun room" into a bike maintenance shed, complete with cogs, oily chains and an upside down bike. So that's mission number 1. Mission number 2 may or may not happen and involves me getting a train up to Waitara or somewhere like it on Sunday morning and having a pleasant ride back via anything but the main roads. This is basically what my bike looks like (except this one has slightly different parts on it)....

Other than that I'm planning on some pretty serious COD4 multi-player time and maybe a bit of Rugby thrown in for good measure, sounds good to me.
Beware the bicycle Flit. Beware the bicycle.
...beware the shoes as well! if any oil gets on my satin shoes you're dead buddy! (love you xxx)
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