In order to recover from this, it was decreed that Crepes at Wollstonecraft were definitely ON for young and old. We chose not to invite any extremes of young OR old, but the thought was there from the beginning and that's really all that counts.
Foolishly, prior to the evening in question, MattS had agreed to attend this morning fiesta in order to make sure that I (MattN) would show my bespectacled face at Wentworth Park. Little did he know that HE WAS MAKING A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL!!! For the next morning, he would wake to find himself CURSED with the horror of the HANGOVER!!!
Ah, the folly of the weak mind.
Thus, upon the rise of Sunday morn, the members of assorted campuses of the House of Chicken made their way to the sumptuous gardens of Wollstonecraft Station. True to his word, MattS also did the honourable thing and forced his sorry arse across that long, long bridge to the North. For this noble effort, he was rewarded with the greatest hangover cure known*: The Breakfast Crepe. Other members of the contingency enjoyed various delights of both the sweet and savoury domains, and there was much merriment and singing of christmas carols**.

And thus, that was it.... my very first crepes experience.
* perhaps not quite true, but it's not an all out lie
** not necessarily kind to the ear
***12:00pm, a miserable failure
****kids puzzle section
*absolutely the best! but I expect the redbulls and lovely sun have something to do with it
**The carols WERE Glorious....stop yer whinging
****I think you'll find the kiddies croswords were very challenging at that point in time! probably more so than the sudoku!
True true. Good job on your first time Noodle. You really got the hang of lounging around eating and drinking and laughing at the hangovers of others.
Nice work surviving wrong-ass Flitcroft too. You know you've made it when you can sit through those nasty packages!
mmmmmmmmm breakfast crepe. Saved my life it did.
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