Of course I'm talking about a trip to the Hunter! Early Sunday morning we rose (some were better at that than others), breakfasted, sunscreened up and off we went. perfect sun and little traffic made the two hour drive very pleasant. We arrived up there mid morning and headed for one of my favourite wineries, Tempus Two.

This winery is run by the eldest McGuigan daughter (of McGuigan wines fame) and is possibly the most impressive structure in the valley. They also have a fabulous Gerwertstraminer which is a great summer quaffing wine and this year we discovered a new Rose worth a mention. We stocked up and hit the road again.
Keith Tulloch is another favourite of ours so on we went to the small wine makers winery to fill our little boot with his glorious Shiraz-viognier. Then on to some scrumptious lunch at Blaxlands where I indulged in steamed prawns and asparagus while Flit had the Gruyere and onion tart. YUM!
Now we were all fuelled and watered we decided to visit Keith's actual winery and luckily caught one of his employees closing for the holidays. She was very kind and took us inside for a quick taste of their botrytis semillon (dessert wine), a few bottles later we headed back out and decided to come home.

A long day in the sun with plenty of wine makes for very tired but satisfied people.
What a great day! I highly recommend it.
Without being in a position to comment on the actual wine, Tempus Two the building has always struck me as a bit of a metal monstrosity personally. I love seeing the ramshackle old cellars in the Hunters.
Even without an interest in wine, the Hunter is a lovely place to visit, and the food is fantastic (mmm... cheese...)
Congratulations you two.
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