Who's up for some CAROLS?! There are going to be Carols in Victoria Park (for the dim of wit, that is the park next to Uni where we go for picnics) on Saturday week.
Could be a good opportunity to have a big SRF Picnic and general Christmas get together before the holidays, and of course sing some beautiful carols... horribly horribly wrong.
It is on Saturday the 10th, with Jazz at 7pm and Carols at 8pm. We could get together a bit earlier, grab a spot and then send some of the second tier SRF members down to Broadway to gather supplies. (Fatt Matt, I'm looking at you! Now that Jenny isn't around to do our bidding, we need a new lackey and you're it.)
Anyone interested?
And as John has inadvertently pointed out, there is the added bonus that he won't even be on the same continent at the time!
Nooooooo! I'm definatly cancelling my crappy trip to Europe to come to any event to involves spending more time with our beloved richard. Now theres a bonus. mmmm richard.
You're damn right! Don't forget, not just any old awesome event with Richard... this is an awesome event where Richard is SINGING!
Oi! I heard that!
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