Finally, for all you impatient souls over there... Little do you realise that things move a bit slower here in the cold, but here it is, the THANK YOU post!
What a lovely lumpy surprise awaited me about a week ago, lying in wait for me in front of my door. Hmm, what could it be, thought I, has some small animal taken up residence under my doormat? Has my concierge left me a present? Did I hide my pile of jewels and treasures in an inappropriate spot?
None of these! It was a nicely padded, unbent and undamaged Australia Post envelope, filled with smiling, strangely dressed people and happy memories of warm days and friends who speak the same language as me!
Little smiling chicken nuggets, mysterious and intriguing phone calls, a dog with conflicting influences, a very recognisable shadow, coat-clad muppets, happy couples (some balloons, some not), and an end to forgotten birthdays and wedding dates! But more importantly, a year-long reminder of the fact that I have some very lovely and photogenic friends on the other side of the world, whom I miss very much, and who have no shame in front of cameras!
I'm sure you'll all understand the reason for the delay in this post as you appreciate that all the way over here, the Stephen Roberts Foundation Paris Branch President was busy acting the clown in front of a well known monument to the amusement of whole bus-loads of tourists (I think someone of them took photos of me as well!)!