I hate Cockroaches and anything with sticky legs and cream filled bodies....yyyyuuuuuukkkkkkkk!
My friend told me that Australia has nothing on Japan in this arena, apparently the king of creepies lives there and is called a Geji Geji (pron: Ged-gee Ged-gee)
It is like a large centipede with loads of legs and a thick long body. I have searched for pictures on google and found this lovely specimen.

They prefer to live outside in bush-like areas, but are commonly found indoors!
I am very glad we don't have these horrible little blighters here.
Just confirmed- I hate Geji Geji too.
like you hate anything full of cream
I do not consider these things to be full of cream. Gretta has used that word inappropriately. The geji geji, like cicadas and cockroaches, are full of PUSS, a subordinate of poo & vomit, of the blerk world. Cream is the ethereal queen of the land of yummy-pretty. And I love it.
Yet you can't deny the striking similarities in terms of colour and texture. I hear the mouth-feel is quite similar also, eventhough the flavours are distinctly different .
I would also contend that PUS is spelt with one 'S'.
hehehe...love it.
I do however feel rather sickened by Mattes' last comment, it makes me want to scrub my tongue with a hard brush to remove any thought of geji geji cream! aaarrrgghhhh!!
Someone with such coarse tastes as yourself, Matt, will not be able to discern the subtle differences in colour and texture between cream and pus. Those of us with more cultivated interests in dairy and its associated pleasures will happily discriminate between the greeny-yellow tinge of pus and the refinement and purity of the angelic ‘cream’ colour attributed to its own namesake.
As to texture, while a cruder instrument of touch than the tongue, the finger can reveal a slimier, more viscous quality to pus that does not extend to the delicate folds of cream- both the airy whipped variety and its silky untreated sister.
I can not comment on taste. I have never eaten pus.
Apologies to the pusses out there for my extra ‘s’ in earlier comments.
On the subject of 'striking similarities' however, a lesser being could also mistaken urine for beer. But that is just silly, isn't it.
Beer is fizzy...
I beleive pus comes in many colours and textures. My pus for example is as white as the driven snow and has the consistency of pure fresh cream.
Yours on the other hand is somewhat impure, like it's producer.
I love checking back every hour or so for a new giggle.....keep it up kids!
I'm not sure I can perform under that kind of pressure Marg
Pus is for losers. I don't do pus.
On the subject of your pus, I might point out that white pus, while slightly supernatural and creepy, is still easily distinguishable from cream coloured cream.
Pus is a mixture, so it separates and has watery parts and creamy parts, where as cream does not. (unless it goes off...in which case it might as well be pus)
And besides.....a geji's body is not full of pus. A geji is not a boil, a pimple or any other kind of infected sore. A geji is an insect. Therefore its body is full of Guts!
Now guts is an altogether different kettle of fish!
Not my Pus! it is creamy as it comes. Panels of experts at a my American testing centre have been fooled into thinking my pus was cream.
Guts made of cream perhaps?
Wow Matt. Who would have thought such an ordinary guy could have such wonderful, brow-raising pus.
I know I know...
was this american testing centre the ponds institute per chance?
....it's just that they describe everything as "creamy"....
No it was the head and shoulders one. My pus is now 94% dandruff free.
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