Now it's not often that I take photos in public toilets (no really) let alone blog about them but this notice I found in a mens cubicle several floors below mine at work deserves a public viewing. Those of you with a particularly sensitive nature may wish not to read on (it's really not that bad but I felt I should add some sort of disclaimer)...

I'm so tempted to ring the Facilities Helpline to report 'an incident'.
I think the wor capable should be incapable here, however the message the is clear enough.
It does beg the question, Flit, why were you using the toilet several floors below yours, and do you think this notice was directed at your wrong-arse vegequarian digestive system?
Yes, it should be 'incapable' - I imagine the horror has rendered the author illiterate. While we're picking up typos (yet again) I think you meant 'word' not 'wor'.
I pointedly included the fact that it was several floors below me to exclude me as a cause, I was down there in a meeting, I'm not anally retentive enough (now there's an accurate use of a phrase) to return to my own floor to use the toilets!
Don't be so bashful, wrong-arse. We know what your capabilities are and that you're not afraid to use them!
Still smarting from your ENORMOUS stuff-up yesterday Ms Franklin?
Not so much smarting. Maybe a little bit drunky.
You're an angry drunk
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