The SRF headed to Domo, the Czech beer cafe in Paddington. The food and beer were GREAT! Would have been better if we had all been working out in the fields pulling heavy ploughs and planting loads of wheat so as to work up the appropriate appetite for the mountains of food we were served, but we did our best anyway.
Noodle skipped all the fancy pancy salad/green stuff and went straight for a plate of meat (I'm not kidding either!), Evil went for the plate of deep fried brie (more commonly known as heart-attack on a plate) and a number of others had whole chickens battered and deep fried and passed off as a schnitzel!
The beer was GREAT! did I mention that? Especially the rasberry flavoured one, great to start on.

All other beers were of the usual variety (albeit the size of a small swimming pool)

After everyone was well and truly stuffed on beer and meat, we all thought a quiet sit down and small talk would prepare us for our journey home....NOT SO! Two intrepid eaters (read: Sarah and Flit) decided a spot of dessert was in order and asked for the largest, thickest, stodgiest strudel in the world...Little did they know that this strudel was full of cinnamon, so much so in fact that we could smell it from down the table when they spoke!

Ahhh! Good times and classic hits!
I might add that the cinnamon actually burned, it was so profuse. I might go back tonight to see if I can score another hit fo the spicey brown stuff.
Or even 'of'.
Sarah, don't do it - you have to go cold turkey or you'll never kick it.
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