For the last 3 months or so I have been persevering through the increasing numbers of powdery flavourless apples in attempts to maintain my apple-a-day. Alas, but two weeks ago, I took the decision to quit. Too many partially-nibbled pommes have ended up surrounded by banana peels, magazine plastic, gum wrappers, and empty yoghurt cups at the bottom of my bin. The just-bearable became fewer and further between until they were no more. It ended in two sorry weeks of the sticky elbows, tissue over-usage and extra washing up that comes from clumsily cutting up and eating an orange at your desk.
But not this week. No way man. They’re here! NEW SEASON APPLES!!!
The crunch. The sour pang. The curt wonderful juice. I have survived the off season and been richly rewarded with fruits for my labour.
I'm an apple a day man myself and you're quite right about the quality, a definite upturn this week. Things have been so bad that I've been experimenting with other fruits recently, bananas are good but I just don't want one every day. I also trifled with pears and at only 1.80 a kilo or 30 cents each it was cheap to do so, however their slight grittiness grated after a while. Peaches and related stone fruit are just too damned messy for an office environment. Anyway, enough of this banana-ality (boom-tish), it's almost 3.45 which is apple time over this way.
YES! Pears ARE horribly gritty. It's like eating fruit laced with sand!
I too have been plagued by crap-apples. I, however, do not have the staying power of my esteemed colleagues, and stopped eating the damn things months ago. Since then I have dragged pears around, but they are too juicy and tend to dribble down my chin while driving. The banana has made a resurgence, but I find the skins too much to dispose of on the road.
To this end, the news of new tasty apples back in my fruit shop is a joy! Hurrah!
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