In the latest installment of "french news that is of international interest but unlikely ever to make it into a non-french newspaper" here is someone we haven't heard from for about 17 and a half years... Having just turned 18, Jordy is sueing his father (I think, I haven't actually looked up the word spolié!) for royalties and income from his hugely successful career as a bébé chanteur.
Fans will further be interested to know that he has just released his autobiography, titled "Je ne suis plus un bébé." As the title suggests, although it was tough to be a baby, it was even tougher to remain a baby for 18 years, which surely would have been more profitable. I'm not sure that it has yet been translated into english (though I think Tom Hanks will be playing him in the soon-to-come film), so non-french reading fans may have to wait, or else employ a translator: well worth it.
Damn it.
He isn't sueing his father, he is simply accusing him of having ripped him off.
Sorry. My french wasn't as good as I thought. Incidentally to sue is the verb poursuivre. I now know!
Maybe his Dad should poursuivre him instead - 'offensive nappy trauma', that sort of thing.
Is it just me or is everyone else scratching their heads over who this baby guy is?
Jen, have you been sniffing any of those chemicals in your lab?
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