Friday night we headed out for a quiet dinner with them to catch up, even though we tried to get to bed early (everyone was tired from either jet lag, long work day or very early starts) we managed to stay up quite late gas bagging.
Saturday was another early start with loads of shopping and sorting to be done for Sunday. Late in the afternoon, The Flitcrofts, as they are prone to do, suggested a walk, I was seriously outnumbered 3 to 1 so I agreed to a wander down Flat rock gully (back of Naremburn) and boy what a wander! nearly 3 hours later we dragged our tired bodies back home, only to start cooking! luckily we had plenty of wine. Dinner was great and still we gas bagged into the wee hours as we watched family videos of a little flitcroft running around Canada...very cute! Unfortunately we missed Evil's Birthday party, would have loved to have gone, so someone will have to fill us in on how it went.

The next day was parentals meeting parentals day! ooooohhhhhh! (We thought it would be better than them meeting on the day) we chopped, we marinated, we swept, we hid unpacked boxes and generally worked our little fingers to the bone. The whole Instance clan arrived (bar Paul) promptly at 1pm and proceeded to unleash children all over our unchild proofed new home! Not too many disasters thankfully, a few hair raising moments as toddlers fell down steps, off low garden walls, off chairs, made themselves dizzy and fell down ridges in the pavment....but once we saw no blood it was all very funny!
After we farewelled them all, we all collapsed on the sofa.....I still haven't recovered.....maybe I am finally getting old!
The Flitcrofts will be with us till Friday when they head off to the Alice, we'll see them again the week before the wedding.
Must have a nap this afternoon...I'm really struggling.....Good night.
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