Bunkering down under a rather threatening sky was a little daunting at first. We had a brilliant view (you just needed to walk 3 meters to the right of where we took this photo to have unobstructed views) and with the SMH huge crossword and the NW Crozzle, some playing cards and someone to explain the rules of spoons to a rather skeptical Nero, some bubbly and plenty of blankets we were all set to make a night of it!

as the sun went down, the party livened up.....

There was dancing...

and loads of sparklers (poor Flit's seem to have had their final sparkle already)

and with a kinda steady hand (too much bubbly by now) we took in the fireworks! We ooohed and we aaarrrrhhed and we clapped and we kissed everyone around us....ah memories!

1 comment:
Looks fabulous! The idea of spending new years OUTDOORS makes me wistful! And thanks so much for the phonecalls (eventually), how lovely!
Happy new year to you all!
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