Well the HOC went searching for the Comet last night.
We firstly tried the Back Yard. Bron even climbed onto the fence. We all used Noodle Bi-Nocs till we decided that we needs to climb a hill. We all piled into Bron's Car (which needs to visit the Man - the scrapping sound of the exhaust on the ground is not good) and headed to St Leonards - Still no Comet.
Wollstonecraft - was Noodles Call
One wrong turn on the Highway 2 wrong turns around the train station we where at Noodles Picnic spot - still no Comet.
Back Up the hill - people looking west we stopped - chatted still no Comet
At this point the HOC gave up drove away singing "I will survive" with gusto
We then stopped off at the Flitcrofts to view there domestic bliss - Flit watching Tele, Margie doing the dishes, had a glass of water and returned there Mattress.
What a fun Night of Comet searching - Even if Bron still failed to see her first Comet (deprived child no Hayley's for her)
Mum, Peta & I were sitting around by the phone waiting for the call to tell us you'd found the damn thing and that we should bother looking ourselves!
That and cooking the first layer of our wedding cake...
BTW, this recent spate of posts puts you and Lady neck and neck again!
we too went searching for a comet - we called ourselves 'the comet chasers' with no luck either.
it was a lovely visit....just lucky to catch me up and about at that time of night...I don't have time for comets anymore!
...plus...how did you miss Hayley's Bron????
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