As we glued down the last two steps last night I thought I better share my the pics from Christmas holiday with everyone. Shari and I took the stair case down and rebuilt it....
Here's the scary original, for those that haven't seen it....

first came the demolition stage.....The Carpet got taken off the stairs so we could se what we were working with.... Don't get me started on the state of the stairs.

Next took the back off the stairs and found a) no Floor???? b) An old hot water heater disconnected and dumped there.

Just when we were about finished bitching how past owners had just dumped rubbish everywhere... we found a second disconnected hot water heater dumped underneath the house..

Then came the rest of the demolition, made pretty easy by the fact the stairs were on their last legs. We did find some interesting stuff.... Some old bits and bobs, 1 dead rat (recent) and 2 dead mice. I don't know how they got in the house. It's not like there are large holes underneath the stairs...
Old stuff out of the way... in came the new. First job, a huge, fuck off, large post cemented to the floor and bolted to both floors.

In case your wondering what we did without the staircase in the meantime, this was out method of getting between floors for about a week. As I get older I like heights less and less :(

Once the center post was in we put down new floors.... And filled all the gaps, so no more mice, rats or cockroaches.

Shari did a bit of cleaning up the old walls while I started the stringers (the main beams for the stairs in blue).

The bottom corner.... pretty fiddly but a lot of fun.

The bottom stringers completed and the top ones being attached. These were easier but holding the up while they were being bolted etc was a bit of nightmare.

Stringers all done, starting the risers (the back of each step) and steps. These were a pain, getting all the right angles and edges all meeting up nicely...

Shari enjoying the fact that we could walk (or balance rather) up rather than use the ladder.

And the stairs new stairs done... Well except for sanding, paint, skirting boards, banisters etc. It wouldn't be me if I actually finished a job off.

And the top half all done-ish.

And just in case you were worried about my work killing someone (Matt), the beams underneath.
when you where doing the stairs i was a little scared - the thought that i may never see the inside of your bed room again - but I may just make it up! Well done!
Wow, good job! And very nice documentation too. As for the hot water tanks, maybe you can make fishtanks out of them? (Rat tanks?)
Bloody hell John & Shari! Good job!! They look fantastic.
Nick - why are you so scared of never seeing the inside of John & Shari's bedroom?
I'm a little concerned too.
Hmmm.... a little disturbing.
But nice job guys! Looks really professional. And quite stairy, which is good.
Well ever since they knocked out the stairs it broke my cabling contection for the camera i have placed above......oh hang on
Nothing to see here move along....
John, all this hard work appears to have affected your previously fine head of hair, maybe it's time to see the people at the Advanced Hair Studio?
Nice job on the stairs btw.
I must be forgiven if I'm off target here as I've had a little too much wine with lunch, but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT Flit?
Ahhh.... the BALD man. I'm with you now.
Sober up woman, for heavens sake!
Very impresive!! Let it be known that the house of Fillet never doubted your abilities. The two of you are far braver than I in starting this...therefore you must have the confidence you will finish it! That's good enough for me...BRAVO!! I think the coffee table you made me all those years ago will outlive the entire reason to think the stairs won't too!
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