Now you may or may not be aware that Mr Ross Noble is playing the Enmore Theatre in March. I will be purchasing tickets tomorrow (as seats seem to be selling fast and we should get on with it) so if you're interested then let me know at my usual email address. He's playing from the 14th to the 24th and I'm thinking of booking for either the 23rd or 24th (Friday or Saturday night) - do you have any strong preference for other nights then speak up very quickly please. Tix are $40
I have a strong preference for the 23rd as I will be in Tumut on the 24th, nerry to return till I'm married off good and proper like.
Count me in for either night please.
I would like to go
I'll be in it!
23rd is good for me too....I know you already knew that, but thought others might too!
Tix purchased for Friday 23rd March, put it in your calendars people.
Oh and if you want Ross to come round to your house then you can tell him here... http://www.rossnoble.co.uk/livedates.html
They're filming the tour and he's doing it on motorbike, he wants suggestions on where to stop and what to see.
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