Monday, January 08, 2007

Day one: done and dusted!

Firstly, thank you all for your lovely well wishes! I had a great day today!

I must admit that it actually felt like a week, but as you all know I am not really used to working a full 8 hour day so anything more than 4 hours was going to be a shock to the system!

Most of today was spent being talked at. I kept being introduced to people who really wanted to tell me how they could help me, how their work impacted on my own and how various systems/processes and softwares worked. All well and good, but only about 6% of it stuck! I guess I have alot of questions to re-ask over the next few weeks.

I'd forgotten how hard it is to be the NEW person! Having been at Merck for the last 4 years and becoming rather senior rather quickly, it is a strange adjustment to go back to square one and be the newby!

Alarms! OMG! I had practically forgotten they existed! but not at 7.30am this morning! I was on a bus BEFORE 9am! couldn't believe there'd be no nap in the afternoon! Arriving at work felt like my first day at school, Flitcroft dutifully accompanied me to the door and kissed me goodbye...then I turned to face the large doors and headed in solo to start a new chapter of my life. I felt I should have had a satchel, pencil and rubber! Luckily the office is very open, very jovial and a little bit crazy. A good combination in my opinion. I was sat at MY VERY OWN DESK (a privillege I have not known in years) between two rather hilarious and charismatic women. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I noticed one of them wearing a pair of heels exactly like a pair I own (except in black!) and I heard the other mix her metaphors and speak to clients in a para-english garble! I felt like I was amongst true peers and I could relax.

The rest of the day was spent listening.

Mostly listening (just the odd question here or there and of course loads of laughter as Natalie - crazy metaphor girl - nattered away and caused ructions with the managing director) at least it was all in good fun.

Finally at 6pm I left to start my walk home! walking home is totally foreign to me as looking forward to the exercise it will afford me.

I arrived home exhausted, but happy...I think I could really get to like this long as I can actually DO the job when the time comes!


Jenny said...

So horrible getting up early when you're not used to it! But within walking distance, that sounds great (though will it have to impact on your work shoe-drobe?), and a desk of your own sounds nice too. (I don't have my own desk at my work, just a sucky fumehood- great for chemistry, not so good for sitting down and checking one's email for the tenth time of the day!)

Hope it continues as swimmingly as it has started!

Margs said...

Cheers Jen!

...I wear thongs for the walk and carry/leave shoes at work for between 9-6pm.

Sarah said...

I hope you realise that this does not excuse you from your Monday weekend washup young Lady!

Margs said...

I posted on Monday! (just not about Wollombi) I'll get to that today (I hope)