Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shoesday - Vive La France

As Bastille Day is merely days away, I looked to a French theme for my shoesday post today. However, I got waylaid and found some funny Dutch shoes instead, made from food.

Mild cheddar cheese.

Butter (with pancakes).

Of course, a food shoedrobe would be incomplete without...

And ever popular with the kids-

(Note the Flemish addition of mayo to the french fries shoe.)

Thankyou for your attention.


Margs said...

You're welcome for my attention.

Who'd have thought! Shoes and food! Is there no problem a shoe cannot solve?

Matt said...

I'm seeing a certain shoe related well of ideas drying up in the near future...

Sarah said...

Thanks for your vote of confidence Mattess. I know you live for my Shoesday posts so let me assure you that a picture heavy post only indicates that my messing about time is limited today (though still there) and blocks of composition not quite doable. Stay tuned though!

john said...

this looks like a list of ideas for your next dinner party.

Noodle said...

Actually, this is Sarah's sneaky way of telling you all what our wedding caterer will be doing...

Nick said...

Wedding SPAM my favourite!

Spam spam spam glorious Spam Wonderful spam
Spam Spam Spam.....