Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Drenching and a Drubbing!

MY GOODNESS! Could it have rained any harder last night at Futsal? Methinks not!

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we played as best we could considering what we were up against. Half the team (ie The boys) were pretty rough after a rather big buck's weekend in Victoria and the rain was bucketing down we could hardly see at times and kicking the ball was like kicking a bar of wet soap!

We went down to the leaders of the comp 12-2, I guess it's still within our goal of not losing by more than 10 points in a game (just!).

No one even wanted to go for a beer afterwards! I guess everyone needed a warm shower and some food and the idea of sitting around in wet clothes didn't really appeal to even the hardest of drinkers amongst us.

Onwards and upwards for the Mighty SRF! next game is a new game and we'll knock 'em dead then!

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