Yes kids it's true!
from the article:
Groening gives the show's loyal fans all the credit in the world for helping the show come back. "The continued devotion of the fans, chiefly on the Internet, kept us thinking that maybe we could bring this back," he said.
"And so, whenever people would ask, I'd say 'Futurama lives,' and you know, that was wishful thinking on my part." But the continued fan interest, including online petitions, good ratings on the Cartoon Network, and high DVD sales, couldn't be ignored, especially when Family Guy was brought back based on its DVD sales "That gave us a blueprint," said Groening.
Groening and the show's executive producer, David X. Cohen, were happy that the demand was there, because they both felt they had more to say. "Not that I think our show is like Star Trek, but (the original) Star Trek didn't last that long, but it went on and on and on (after it was cancelled). And David Cohen and I talked about it; we had so many story ideas and so many characters that we hadn't gotten around to introducing yet. So I'm so pleased."

Open season on Futurama quotes begins.....now.
It’s real velure – let yourself go
I find the most erotic part of a women's body is the boobies
Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men.
Administer the test. Which of the following would you most prefer? A: a puppy, B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or C: a large properly formatted data file? Choose!
It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns and also he got a racecar. Is any of this getting through to you?
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