Wednesday, February 14, 2007

In Communist Russia, The TV Watches You

As a modern Man living alone in a big city with a broadband connection, I have come to the inevitable situation of watching a lot of TV shows downloaded (legally of course) from the interweb. After watching this very evening 3 episodes of a popular British Motoring Program, 3 episodes of a British Twenty-Somethings Comedy and an episode of a British Medical Comedy, I got to thinking. Not just "Am I watching too much British Television" but "Am I watching too much quality television in general".

A strange question, granted, given the dross that is churned out 24/7 by the three and a half Australian Commercial Channels and (to a less drossy but way too serious and educational extent) the ABC, as well as 40 million odd pay TV channels. But the difference is, now I get to choose. I can, if I choose, watch only shows that other like minded tossers on the interweb or at the pub recommend. We can watch these shows commercial free, and without having to sit through Australia's Biggest/Wettest/Hairiest Survivor/Brother/Dustman with the Stars/Dolphins on Ice/Acid. I can watch them when I want, pretty much where I want.

But I've always sort of beleived in a great levelling of nature. A Balance in the universe if you will. A swinging Karate Kick of justice. So my ultimate question is this: If I watch only good TV and no Ads, is there a great karmic rubberband, strung between the prongs of a cosmic slingshot being drawn slowly back with my arse in it? Will I perhaps pay for this meddling with the foundations of the commercial television business model? Will I spend the twilight years of my life locked in a room watching only infomercials?

I don't know whether it will come or not, or what form it will take, but in the back of my mind, I've got a bad feeling that television may be biding it's time.

Maybe it's just me.


Noodle said...

Ah, Matt, your glimpse into your own karmic future is uncanny! I can just see you sitting there all rugged up in your armchair, little blanket over you knees, watching the Demtel shopping channel, a glazed but yet somehow interested look in your eye. "I really do need one of those, you think."

It's horrifying.

But it's not too late to change this future reality! It's kind of like global warming - you need to take action now to avoid an unpleasant future for yourself, and perhaps even your children and grandchildren. You see, there is but one show that is truly bad enough to bring balance to your off-kilter cosmic scales, bad enough to provide sufficient yang to your abundance of yin.

Matt, you need to watch the entire series of Yasmin's Getting Married - all 2.5 episodes! Watch it like there's not tomorrow! Watch it like the wind! Only there, amongst such spectacular ratings failure, can you find your redemption!

Sarah said...

By jove he's done it! The ultimate antidote to your TV junk deficiency. The question is: will your spongy human brain be able to cope with the strain of back-to-back episodes of such potent stuff?

Matt said...

I knew throwing my dilemma to the great television minds of the 21st Century would reap dividends! The solution does however create further tribulations. How do I get my quivering hands on such diabolical monstrosity? Where do I purchase the requisite protective clothing?

Noodle said...

Ah, my son, it will require a quest.

A quest of danger and uncertainty... and above all, bad television. Only the strongest of character could survive such a task.

Do you feel yourself worthy?

Flit said...

Protective clothing is the key here I feel - a nappy should be a starting point.