Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday wash up

So! Today I feel somewhat under qualified to wrap up the weekend, seeing as I missed most of the only SRF event that occurred during it. Of course I'm talking about the warming of the house of the splinter group of the house of Nugget! Try saying that after a few beers!!

By all accounts it was a good night, and I hear the band played well. I also hear that Gabby gave her vocal chords a workout! I turned up at about midnight, and only stayed for 40 minutes, long enough to interact with the remaining sloshed party guests, do my part in the warming, get totally smoked out by Peter tending the fire, had a tour of the new residence and collected the house of Chicken attendees and take them home! That's alot for 40 minutes...I reckon if I extrapolate my time there vs the amount of activity I participated in, we can safely say I was the life of the party!

Earlier on Saturday I went along on a shopping expedition with Lady for various garments to do with weddings....all I can say is that we all went home confident we were much closer to the end product.

So I guess I will finish up with a short wrap up of the weekend sport. (My life seems to revolve around it at the moment) Ghana was the surprise victors with a 2-0 win over the Czech republic, sad news for Italy with an own goal causing a 1-1 draw with the USA, great news for the Aussies with a 0-0 draw between Japan and Croatia (we may still make it to the final 16!) and our heroic, but unsuccessful 2-0 loss to Brazil. Of course I could go on, but not sure how many of you would be fired for falling asleep at your desks.

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