Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Wash Up (minus the photos)

Grrr! As I sat down to compose this post I realised my trusty little camera was no where to be seen. Down the hallway I trudged to my handbag to find it....Not there either, a few minutes of frantic searching and a reassuring but frustrating phone call later, and my camera is in Cabarita!

This weekend was FAR TOO SHORT! I guess that is what you get after a month off and a long weekend before! I think last weekends escapades have somehow damaged my ability to handle any alcohol, three beers on Friday night had me feeling a little worse for wear and in need of going home. Saturday brought: moving for Mattes, G'Nick and John & Shari; Flying to the UK for Sarah; furniture shopping for the Flitcrofts and homecomings for Bron.

After canceling our Footy training, the House of Fillet and the House of Chicken took the initiative to have our own mini training session down at the cemetery at the end of Atchison Street. The house of Fillet was victorious with a 7-5 win. Both Bron and I suffered flattenings from the boys, and G'Nick swore he was going to have a heartattack, but it was great fun anyway.

Sunday afternoon brought a sweet and savoury delight. After crap directions, we finally found G'Nick's temporary abode. OMG! What fantastic water views and what a schmick place! I' love to post you some photos, but as I told you before I left my camera (with all the piccies) in Cabarita!!! Grrr!! I will have to edit this post later in the week and add them.

So while lots of things happened over the last two days, we are now back at work (well not John & Shari...they're putting in a new floor to their new house!). Joy oh Joy!


john said...

What or where is Cabarita?

Noodle said...

It's a suburb near Five Dock.

Margs said...

That's where G'Nick is house were there on Sunday!

john said...

Ah! that makes sense now.