I must admit, I don't really remember much about the actual trivia part as I was busy drinking in celebration of my NEW JOB! As of January 8th 2007 I will no longer be Margaret Flitcroft Sales Rep...oh no...my new title?...Recruitment Consultant for Hahn Healthcare !! They are based in North Sydney and seem to be a fun but frantic boutique agency who sepecialise in sales and marketing in the healthcare industry as well as Securing Scientific placements. That could be stretched to cover most of the SRF so you'll know who to call when your boss is too much or your salary is just not doing you justice!
...but anyhoo, I digress...
Whilst drinking in my joy we had an impromptue photo session with my lovely new camera...see how seamlessly I am co-selling previous posts!....

As you can see, some are better at this than others....not naming anyone in particular...John.
and then....(drum roll).....our number came up on the joker board and Richard had his chance to shine...and shine he did with a $500 win!

The Money Shot (boom boom) couldn't resist!
Now I seem to remember from yesterday that someone was being a wee bit picky with spelling, I in turn would like to review one of your sentences... "miss matched table heights" - so that would be tables set at a particular height by an unmarried woman with the surname Matched would it?
did I leave out an hypen? otherwise I don't get it?
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