With Flit leading the team and Jen playing a magnificent tackling game at the rear, we were in for a sweet victory! Noodle broke the seal with our first ever goooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The team went wild......
Then the opposition unleashed their secret weapon....a 30 year old bloke who appears to have once played for the Brazilian National Football team....or so one would think! He dribbled, he taunted, he scored...again...and again...and again. Our goalies did their best and we even discovered a natural talent in our very own G'Nick as goalie. But alas we were not able to close him down. Bryan certainly tried to maime the poor guy first with a full body roll to knock him over, then a boot in the arse and finally a ball to the shoulder...nothing seemed to stop him! Jen ran far and wide and got stuck in at every opportunity, Noodle used those noodley legs to cause much havoc and John consistently kept the pressure up from his position up front.

Mattes caused more joy when he booted in a goal from the halfway mark and Flit followed this example with another nicley placed shot!
Still the brazilian kept coming
A few accidental handballs gave the opposition a few free kicks....luckily they were a nice bunch and allowed the girls to take them....both went wide and didn't score.

Our girls were far superior to the oppositions girls with Jen taking our player of the match and Bron and Shari giving them hell down the wings. If only the brazilian had not been on board (he isn't a regular player, they were down and he was just helping out) we would have walked away with a mighty fine score. As it happened we came away with 4 goals (Flit scored the fourth), not quite enough to beat the oppositions 24, but at least it gave us a 1 in 6 ratio which is better by far than anything to date.
The team played well and with great energy. Onwards and upwards for the mighty SRF!!!!
Who is this Jen that's not me? Is there an impostor I should know about???
She's a nurse who works with Bron at the hospital. I think she is also a Jennifer, so you have nothing to worry about...you are still our one and only Jenny!
I think you'll find she's a Jeni.
You sold Nick short on the penalties, he stopped at least one that I remember. That she fired it straight into his leg is irrelevent.
Now THATS what I like to hear!
Go the mighty SRF!!!
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