This weekend was F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Fabulous! After a rather exhausting start on Friday night pulling together all the last minute details for our 10 year reunion, it was definately firing on all cylindars by Saturday morning! Up early to finish food shopping and setting up for the day, and by Midday most of the girls had arrived. We had a great turn out and may I say a fantastic looking bunch too! 10 years has been very kind to the girls from the class of '96. There was much catching up, photos, chasing children and retelling scandalous stories from our school days....

Some of the class, kids and teachers at Tangara

The lads.
After the reunion, Flit very kindly drove Sarah and I into Surry Hills to meet up with Jackie and her Hen's day! Hilarious...they were all well and truly pissed, so we had some catching up to do!

of course there was the obligatory belly dance for the Hen...

...and a celebratory egg!

and plenty of meerkats too!

Sunday lived up to its name and brought brilliant sunshine...perfect for our weekly Futsal training session! While most of the SRF decided to be slackarses...we found some other players from the Ultimo comp and had a good match against them. Hopefully we'll play well tonight and follow up last weeks brilliant effort with more of the same! Go the mighty SRF!!
UPDATE: The SRF played great defense this week! while we still lost, we accomplished another of our goals and kept the final score against us to a single digit. At 9-0 we were very happy with our performance especially since there were so many tired and injured players! Well done Team!
I was not a slack arse, I was visiting my family.
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