So happy.... so very very happy. In a triumph of good sense over perversity, Lee Harding was ejected from the competition and denied a place on the Opera House stage (I might be wrong, but thats probably bull, I suspect they all get up on stage at some point).
When Emily was the first to go through, I assumed Kate was definitely gone. I figured that if Kate was safe, they would put her through first and build up the terrible (yeah right) tension between Emily and Lee, both of whom are percieved to be much more deserving than Kate. But no, thankfully I was wrong (it does happen occasionally) and Lee was punted from the competition.
In some ways its a real shame, because if he had gone through and won they would have had him singing awful crap that was in no way related to his own preferences. Now, if he gets a contract I imagine he will be plonked in front of a band to do Simple Plan covers with different words and live happily ever after.
I am thrilled for Kate, and I hope we see her win through as the next Australia Idol, but I find it VERY unlikely at this stage, I think Emily has it in the bag. I will sure as hell be sending in a few votes in in the vain chance of seeing Kate through to the prize.
Everyone brace yourself for next week, Nostrew predicts MANY tears, regardless of the actual result.
1 comment:
Best news all week! Now if the grim weeper wins, I'll be a bit disappointed but not as stunned and baffled as if this twerp got there.
Go(?) Blondey!
What weekly review will we see from you after all this is over Richie?
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