I have no clue what goes on in the mind of Australia's youth, but suffice to say it is a scary and barren wilderness. With less than 30 votes between them (according to da G and Bulgey McFishEyes) Lee and Dan England were placed in the bottom two. Lee got sent back to his seat, and Dan got sent packing.
I am a bit lost for words at this stage, I have spent a few weeks writing hate posts about Lee and Emily now, but with them and Kate in the final three, I am sad to report that we will almost definitely end up stuck with at least one, if not both of them. THE HORROR!
Interestingly, when Dan got voted off Emily managed to stay in control, so I guess she was pretty stoked. The first time I haven't seen her burst into tears for a long while now, I guess the wheels were turning while she realises that her biggest threat vocally just got booted.
The highlight of the shows for me was when they asked for comments from people on a beach. One person praised Lee for having such an original style (!!!!) and another said how wonderful it was that Emily was so emotional and kept crying (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). WHERE DO THEY FIND THESE PEOPLE!?
Ok, thats enough about Idol, its now a total writeoff and we have another talentless HACK coming our way ala Anthony Callea. Ok, I wouldn't be upset if Kate wins it, but I would be very surprised. I think Emily has this one in the bag (please don't let it be lee!).
I want to share some other amusing news related to music, and Sony BMG in particular (non nerds can stop reading now). It turns out that whenever anyone has used a Sony copy protected CD in a computer, it has stealth installed a program on your computer. Now, this is something called a "rootkit" which is essentially invisible in every way from your computer, and can render other files invisible too simply by putting "$sys$" at the start of the filename. This would be extremely handy to hackers and viruses as I am sure you can all imagine.
The best part is, Sony keeps changing the story. First there was no mention at all, then they say it is there but perfectly safe. Then they admit there might be a “perceived” security issue and kindly offers an uninstaller. To get the uninstaller you need to provide personal details (which Sony’s privacy policy allows them to sell to marketing firms) but what they actually email you is a patch to remove the decloaking function. Apparently it just executes a single windows command, but the patch is 3.5megs. THEN they admit that the patch has a lot of other functions too, all necessary to ensure “security” (I thought there wasn’t a security problem?). At every stage they have denied or lied about it, and changed their story just a little bit when someone calls them up on it. Gotta love Sony!
Check out the original story here (http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/10/sony-rootkits-and-digital-rights.html), a follow up here (http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/11/more-on-sony-dangerous-decloaking.html) and a rebuttal from the company that designed the software here (http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/11/sonys-rootkit-first-4-internet.html).
They're currently trying to work out just how many states / countries this is illegal in at the moment, hopefully some monumental law suits against Sony will follow. An interesting side-effect is that it can be used to bypass a piece of spyware in the World of Warcraft game that attempts to prevent cheating - one piece of invasive spyware stops another one working - ha!
This however pales into insignificance compared to the MPAA's attempt to DRM Analog recording devices, ARS has it here http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/analog-hole.ars , it's only draft legislation at the moment. Apologies for the sudden geeky-lapse.
Sudden geeky-lapse? Who are you trying to fool Flit?
My opinion, for what little it is worth here, is that Lee needs to go next, being a cringe-worthy dick. Blondey should go next- she's got nothing to offer the world.
As much as the weeper irritates me, she is the best of the dismal leftovers. She has a good voice and delivers her songs well.
If Lee wins, I will immigrate.
(No I won't. Matten rules!)
Yeah I read about the rootkit being used to disable the warden in WoW. Sony is f**ked anyway, but this gives them almost Microsoft status.
As to Idol, the first thing that went through my head when I saw the verdict was "Wow, Richie is going to be pissed".
Meh, only because Lee didn't go. I wasn't actually that huge a fan of Dan Englands, I just considered him the best of a bland bunch. I don't think I could nominate a single person from this years Idol and say "I really wish that person had won" like I could last year.
I forget, who was it you were going for last year Richie?
I think it has been said very nicely in these comments...Lee is a 'cringe-worthy dick!'
I am also succumbing to the mind powers of Nostdrew and am really disliking the weeper. I actually hope to see Kate pull this one off now. I know it's far fetched, but a girls' gotta dream!
the rest of the comments her are rather nerdy...where did we find these boys lady?
I meant you'd be pissed that Lee got so close to going, and went at the expense of the least worst.
Girls, you found us at uni...doing science/computer science...what did you expect?
except for flit. I found him in a gutter
Oh yeah! I remember....I think we were drunk!
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