Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Wish me Luck

Following in the intrepid footsteps of Richard the brave, I will be attending my first dentist appointment since 2001 at noon today. While I do not have a tooth ache or any such troubles, I am very scared of the potential bills that may come after me in the wake of a professional inspection of my chompers.

Here's to me getting out of there with a clean and scale and no need to go back for another six months (years?)!


Richard said...

Don't worry Sarah, they have this machine now which delivers the injections quickly to reduce overall discomfort.

Of course the dentist has to take a bit of a run-up, which isn't easy when he's carrying a heavily modified jack-hammer...

Sarah said...

Phew. That's aload off my mind!

Richard said...

Curse you Australians and your florinated water!

Jenny said...

How bizarre that nowadays when we talk of "fear of the dentist", it is usually "fear of the dentist bill."

That's what has stopped me from going too, when I was a poor student. Now that I am a poor post-doc, it is the bill, and also the fact that I could accidentally tell the dentist to remove my jaw.