Thursday, November 24, 2005

My (not so new anymore) little nephews

Well it's about time I may a contribution so I thought I'd showed off my two sisters' little fellows. This photo is about a month old so they have virtually doubled in size since then. Chook is holding her son William and I'm holding Christian (Bridge's little boy). Today Im babysitting William and i know that motherhood is not really anything like this, but im bored! He's asleep now so there's not a lot to do! Luckily Chookie has the house under control or i may feel obliged to do some house work for her!


Sarah said...

Lovely little babies! (Proud looking ladies.)

Sarah said...

Do they? Or do they just gurgle and splutter a bit and wrinkle up their faces?

Richard said...

After years of interpretting Matt's gurgles and splutters, I imagine Bronny is a bit of an expert now.

Margs said...

They're gorgeous! How cool to have a cousin who is pretty much the same age as you!

Does this also mean you are home now? I thought the official homecoming was the 5th Dec?

Sarah said...

OLD photo Gretta. I know it's hard to stay focused where cute little babies are concerned.

Sarah said...

Excellent point there, Suzy. I'll take it on board and give it some thought.

Margs said...

You're both Correct!

Yes, Bron is home now (with one short visit back to QLD for last minute stuff) and yes I get distracted by babies....

I'm not ashamed!

Jenny said...

I notice no boys have commented on this post. They see babies and back off straight away!