Well this year, Flit and I decided to go along and join the bunch of crazies looking at these odd sculptures. Not a bad way to spend a slightly overcast but still warm Sunday afternoon. (it also fit in well with our love of free community stuff!)
I thought I would post some pictures of my favourites for two reasons:
1) to place a bit of culture on this blog
2) so Jenny can get a little reminder of our lovely beaches that she left behind (pity it was a little grey)
So here we go......
The first is of one of my favourite sculptures, a giant leaf. This one stood about 6" tall (for Jen, that is about 183 cm). Even though it was made of steal and fiberglass it still managed to look for very delicate and quite real.

These guys were HUGE and very cute.

I never thought I'd see Flit looking like such a little boy!

Just a quick one for Jen to remind her of what we look like and how beautiful our beaches are (so you come home to us).

Very lovely indeed, but what makes me homesick is not the beaches but the look of your short-sleeved shirts!
Meanwhile I am freezing my ARSE off!!
Bondi two weekends running?
fraid so girlie....I made sure we didn't walk the full way so we still have stuff to do this weekend!
Flit just thought I was whinging....
And I thought the one with you in the giant shoes was a certainty, I think it needs a showing.
Giant shoes? Do show!
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