Let us all take a moment to congratulate Kate DeAraugo (crap, she must get sick of constantly having to spell that out to people!) on being the third person in a row to be voted Australian Idol despite the wishes of the record label. It seems the australian public enjoy putting Sony BMG through the hoops, not that it will stop them doing whatever they feel like.
In a massively underwhelming final, which Suzy and I couldn't bring ourselves to watch for more than a few minutes at a time in adbreaks (unfortunately, I still witnessed the HORROR of the top13 "aussie medley") Kate has won through against Emily Williams to secure the Sony recording contract. The second place prize? A Sony recording contract!
In 2003, I thought it was funny to see how little we saw of Guy Sebastian and how much we saw of Shannon Noll. The same thing happened last year with Casey Donovan being almost non-existant while you can't get away from that little Callea ferret. I guess after three years, it is boring to know that noone actually "wins", because a bunch of the losers end up with exactly the same prize, and often receive better support from the label.
As much as they can say it is decided by the australian public, that it is "our" australian idol, it couldn't be clearer that nothing is further from the truth. Everything I have heard about Emily is "the favorite", "the one with the talent" (while kate was insultingly labeled as "the one who worked really hard") etc etc. Just like last year with Anthony Callea, the label obviously had their heart set on Emily, and unless Kate really performs well in sales I suspect she will quietly vanish after a couple of singles, ala Casey Donovan.
Bah I say, I prefer competitions where winning is actually meaningful.
I couldn't agree more Richie. So glad the grim weeper was escorted out of sight so Kate could at least have the lime light for a few fleeting minutes.
Yes, our new australian cry-dol will no doubt be assailing us with her "talent" in the near future, but I am happy for Kate that she managed to get her single out without Emily bawling for attention in the background.
I think the guy that described her as a good old aussie dag really hit the nail on the head, I think she won because a lot of people could identify with her, and recognised the amount of effort she had put in to get there.
yeah competitions like Bloodbowl where winning means something! (like you are a dork forever)
You're just jealous of my massive trophy!
It's alright for some, you don't need anything to prove you are a dork. Some of us need props to prove that we are dorks, people can't just tell by looking at us like they can with you.
I guess that's something you will never really appreciate...
You dorks only see what you want to see.
bbbwwwwaaahhh waahhaahahaha *runs off shaking arms in the air*
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