Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Thankfully free of baby photos.

Not that seeing pictures of other peoples children isn't the most fascinating thing in the whole wide world, but I figured I would pass on something even MORE fascinating to the discerning public... My idol update.

Yes yes, cheer all you want, I too feel that euphoria everytime I read those words, you aren't alone and there is nothing wrong with what you are feeling. Unless your catholic, in which case you are full of sin and going directly to hell.

Moving swiftly on... this week Daniel Spillane was voted off Idol by the australian public. They almost got it right, because if Andrew and Jimmy are to be believed (and I doubt that they are) there was just 0.2% in it, which is a pity because the HATED Lee was next in line to be put up against the wall.

Daniel sung a rather good version of Foreigner's "Cold as Ice" which I am a big fan of, but it wasn't enough to save him this week. We all knew it was a matter of time for Daniel, but I had hoped he would last to the top three. I think we may see him again, since he is essentially the whole package. He can sing well enough, he is clean cut and likable, and strikes me as someone who could be "easily molded" into the sort of person the record companies are looking for. He definitely had been improving throughout his time in Idol, and each week I was a little less certain that he would be sent home.

Lee did a so-so version of My Sharona (let us hope he also is a one-hit wonder, all signs point to yes). Kate did a reasonable Lady Marmalade (but considering what she sounded like when she wasn't singing, I think it was an excellent performance), Emily whipped out a bit of Chaka Khan (pity it didn't serve her as well as it did Rikki Lee!) and Dan England did Desperado (I was so certain it was going to be Hotel Calafornia when they announced it was the Eagles).

Personally I wasn't too thrilled by the 70s show, with the possible exception of Daniel's performance, not that anyone else enjoyed it it seems. Next week is Elvis night (and by some STRANGE cooincidence they have an Elvis special on directly after, who'd a thunk it?).

I am hoping that Lee's lack of votes translates into getting booted next week, but I am also getting more and more concerned that Emily isn't going to get kicked off in time. It seems likely that she will end up on the radio regardless of a win, but then anyone who has suffered through promotion of Anthony Callea can handle it I'm sure.

Here's to Lee getting kicked off next week!


Margs said...

You're right Richie....how silly of me to think anyone would care about my life or loves. From now on I shall follow your lead and post mindless movie reviews about a girl with an arse.

Richard said...

Excuse me, that should be "post reviews of mindless movies about a girl with an arse" thank you very much!

Drama queen!

Sarah said...

Richie- May I remind you of how you felt when people teased you about your posts? Gretta is posting something REAL and MEANINGFUL to her. Show her some of the respect you demanded from the rest of us.

Gretta- What did you expect?

Both of you behave! Don't make me get all power hungry and start exercising my delete-happy rights as administrator here!

Margs said...

yeah Richie! What she said!

Sarah said...

I agree all the way on this one. I would LOVE to see Lee out on his arse. He’s germy.

So who IS next to go, Nostrew?

john said...

Now now Girls. Don't make me have to seperate you.

Noodle said...

I agree on the Lee front, it's about time that they realised that he can't do anything but bad punk-rock versions. However, I'm afraid you're on your own, Richie, if you think that ol' twinkle eyes Daniel Spillane is the 'whole package'. I mean, you're right in some respects... he's technically very good. It's just that he has the stage-presence of a wooden cut-out with a movable mouth. I really don't think we'll be seeing him record anything, but he may pop up on the wedding singer scene or at the Covent Garden on a Saturday night.

Richard said...

In no particular order...

Noodle: I was talking more from the record labels point of view, rather than mine. I wouldn't personally buy the CD, but he is the kind of plastic fantastic which the kids seem to lap up.

Marg: If you really think that is me teasing you about something, then we have obviously never met. I have associated all these years with some kind of quasi-margaret which has borne the brunt of all of my jokes and jabs, while the real you sheltered yourself somewhere a thousand miles underground in a giant concrete bunker reading Anne of Green Gables and playing with your My Little Ponies.

I have worked hard training you to be less sensitive and more thick skinned than this damn it, I am very disappointed!

Sarah: Lee should be next, but I suspect it will be Kate.

John: What if we provided a cage...

Sarah said...

It pains me to reveal that I never had a My Little Pony. They looked fun but I just had to watch the other girls comb and brush their MLP hair.

Margs said...

MLPs are back! Mt neice Abbey has a few...thay aso come in miniature.

Margs said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Margs said...

Before some smartass corrects me....The last thing was meant to be "they also" not "thay aso"

Richard said...

Noone would be so petty as to have a go at your for that margs, but what does Mount Neice Abbey have to do with the price of fish?

Noodle said...

It's a French monastery where they made the original My Little Ponies. Don't you know anything Richard???

Matt said...

Margs I reckon you should delete all your posts.

Richard said...

Ooo yes please

Sarah said...

Narky boys! Narky narky boys!

Jenny said...

I loved my little ponies, mine even had a house!

Margs said...

That's IT! You wait till I get my hands on you Richie!!! Grrr! I'll give you a good belly slappin' if it's the last thing I do!

Richard said...

I assume "give me a belly slappin'" is code for "get restrained until I get too tired to fight, which normally takes about 30 seconds"? Because I think we all know that will be the inevitable outcome.

Noodle said...

Ooooh, I'm definitely coming to the pub tonight!

Sarah said...

Hmm. I think we should incite as much fury at Richie in Gretta as possible to test his theory of the '30 seconds of restraint'. If my memory serves me, there are few who are game enough to restrain a raging Gretta, and fewer still who escape her relentless thirst for bloody revenge.

Some outsiders have misdiagnosed this determination as the dogged attentions of flirtation, the exaggerated symptoms of PMT or the typical affects of alcohol atypical to the fairer sex. I, however, identify it as the finely tuned survival mechanism of the SRF female, developed after years of physical and psychological abuse at the hands and twisted minds of our men-folk.


Matt said...

Now that Margie has been doing so much exercise, she will truly be a force to be reckoned with.

Margs said...

My arms are buff and awaiting to punch!

I agree completely Sarah....how much abuse have we endured over the past 9 years? These menfolk are lucky to still have testicles....it's really only the threat of Jail that has prevented me thus far....

Be alert and alarmed Richie!

Richard said...

Just because your neices and nephews think you live under a bridge doesn't mean you scare me!


Richard said...

BTW: Do I get some kind of prize for producing the post with the most comments to date?

Sarah said...

Your over-inflated sense of accomplishment is reward enough I think Richie.

(Nice one though!)