Thursday, September 28, 2006

Better late than never...

Well our next game is nearly upon us and I'm just posting now about Monday nights game! (actually we have a week off due to the public holiday so I needn't have hurried with my reporting!) Anyhow, what a game! With the new addition of the Flitcrofts to the team, one can only wonder how our score could possibly be worse than last week, given that Julian has approximately 37 thousand times more soccer experience than the rest of us! I can only conclude that although our opponents didn't seem as agressive as week 1, they were infact a better team. Despite the thrashing (16-0), I think we came off the field a little wiser than we'd started... Greta learned about the aftermath of goal keeping and to beware of men in white sox, Jen learned how dangerous kicking the air can be, and Nick learned that tardiness on the team is not appreciated (maybe we can blame him for the score)! The game was followed by a debriefing/ birthday drink for Mattes at the North Syney Hotel, and in all wasn't a bad night!


Margs said...

Yes! Get that White Sox! He was a rather formidable striker!

Noodle said...

Sounds like a dastardly villain to me!