Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday Wash up

And another week rolls by, leaving only 5 sleeps till we get MARRIED! WOW! we were chatting about this the other day and looking back to September 1st 2005 when Flit dropped to one knee on that pristine white sandy beach in Vanuatu and asked me to be his Husband only seems like yesterday! It has actually been 12 months and 2 days since that momentous event that changed both our lives forever.

I remember the look of terror on Flit's face as he handed me my diamond in a small black velvet box, then realised if I opened it we'd lose it in the sand and his garbled rush to prevent me taking the pretty rock out for a closer look. I remember the boat trip back as we sat towards the rear of the boat loving the fact that all this had just occurred and we were the only two people in the world who knew about it! I remember getting off the plane in Sydney and having to wait till we could turn our phones on again to finally ring our loved ones and tell them our fabulous news. I remember the squeals of delight that greeted our news from down the phone line from the likes of Mum, Jane and Lady. I remember walking on clouds for days afterwards as we discussed ring designs and wedding dates...

6 months down the track and the giddiness of the approaching big day had still not worn off....plans were tracking nicely and time seemed to be taking it's time, I guess that's why it's been easy not to get too stressed. That was until August hit and since then my head has just been buzzing with final touches, and the knowledge that it's not long now!

With less than a week to go I look back at all the fuss, the work, the discussions, the phonecalls, the wads of cash that seem to walk out of my wallet of their own free will, and hope that it all comes together on the day. I don't think I'll be worried if anything goes wrong, so long as the priest gets there on the day I'll be happy. It's easy to get distracted by cakes, dresses, invites, menus and the weather, but I think so long as we keep the focus on the fact that we are becoming Husband and Wife and our lives will forever be one, and that this one day is simply the start of the rest of our lives together then all will be good and nothing will spoil that.

So what about the weekend wash up? Saturday I moved most of my worldly possessions to my new house with Flit, thank you Lady and Noodle for your help! We then headed off for Richie and Suzy's Tri-celebration (engagement, housewarming & Richie's B'day) which was a lovely way to finish the day....No more CAKE! On Sunday we were finally finished with our marriage prep, I guess that means we can get married?! and we welcomed Flit's parentals back to Sydney after they headed off to The Alice for a week.

I am now officially on Holidays till October!!!! Enjoy work everyone! hahahahahah...That was mean, I know, but hahahahahaha!

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