Today (Saturday for me) picked up a bit. I woke up early and drove to Niagra Falls. It took two goes, about a hour into my drive I realised I forgot my passport and had to go back, but I got there in the end and I have to say it was amazing, a must see before you die.

It's really mind blowing, the sheer ammount of water that goes over the edge. A few minutes before you get there you need to turn on your windscreen wippers from the spray. You don't need more that a day there but it's worth the stop. Anyway, tonight I'm going out in Toronto with a lad called Mark (On of Shari's friends that moved over here). And then tomorrow off to Kansas City, with a packed schedule.
See you all soon.
Were you working at the hospital, or did you have a medical emergency that you had to dress up for?
JOhn, you look so much closer up when you're overseas.
See, Matt, it is possible to smile while taking a photo of oneself!
We can totally sympathise with the
"drive, on the wrong side of the road, in the dark, right across the state, on unknown roads, with unknown road rules. Not doing that again" sentiment....we did a simillar trip the other night from Danang to hoi An.....real edge of your seat stuff.. we had to stop looking it was making us grey!
I tried not looking but that just resulted in car accidents. Apparently in Canada there's some law about operating a car with your eyes open. Weird Canadians.
And yes Noodle, I had my tonsils out and thought, what the hell, you only get your tonsils out once, lets make it a formal occasion. :)
John, you're a wise, wise man.
I'm still waiting to hear the report on the 80ish TV channels and the room service...
I bet John had several goes at those photos. John?
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