Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Renovation Fun.
The bedroom before we started

Carpets and floorboards up and laying down new yellowtounge (thanks for the help Matt)

Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday washup - Hot and Oh So Underground!

After the reunion, Flit very kindly drove Sarah and I into Surry Hills to meet up with Jackie and her Hen's day! Hilarious...they were all well and truly pissed, so we had some catching up to do!

Sunday lived up to its name and brought brilliant sunshine...perfect for our weekly Futsal training session! While most of the SRF decided to be slackarses...we found some other players from the Ultimo comp and had a good match against them. Hopefully we'll play well tonight and follow up last weeks brilliant effort with more of the same! Go the mighty SRF!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Trivia update
I must admit, I don't really remember much about the actual trivia part as I was busy drinking in celebration of my NEW JOB! As of January 8th 2007 I will no longer be Margaret Flitcroft Sales Rep...oh no...my new title?...Recruitment Consultant for Hahn Healthcare !! They are based in North Sydney and seem to be a fun but frantic boutique agency who sepecialise in sales and marketing in the healthcare industry as well as Securing Scientific placements. That could be stretched to cover most of the SRF so you'll know who to call when your boss is too much or your salary is just not doing you justice!
...but anyhoo, I digress...
Whilst drinking in my joy we had an impromptue photo session with my lovely new camera...see how seamlessly I am co-selling previous posts!....

As you can see, some are better at this than others....not naming anyone in particular...John.
and then....(drum roll).....our number came up on the joker board and Richard had his chance to shine...and shine he did with a $500 win!

The Money Shot (boom boom) couldn't resist!
On a completely different Note.
1) if your quick and share the bed with someone, bags the bed
2) Sleep in the lounge room with whatever you bring up with you
3) Camp under the balcony
4) Camp outside.
So there should be plenty of room for all.
I think a good plan would be to
Friday - night meal at the pub in Wollombi, we can all meet there for dinner and drive to the house together, as it is a little hard to find.
Saturday - The Hunter Valley for a bit of a drink and then dinner at the house Saturday night.
Sunday - Bit of a relax and head home.
Give me some feedback on the dates and I'll start to organise it.
BTW the last 6km is dirt track so if you are worried about driving on it, car pool with someone with a work car that they have to return soon anyway ;) Shari's car has made it OK, so everyone should be fine though.
BTW2 The place is on tank water and solar power. The powers not a big deal, we should be fine but you can't have 8 showers a day.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
House of Fillet
I also thought I'd put this in a post rather than an email as I felt that after yesterdays effort, Thursday might be a bit quiet and lonely.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Teeth and Watermelons

John, can you please make bloggy recognise me/us at home? A little string of numbers doesn't make me feel loved. I think it's
Thank you!
Finding that picture (from the Molvania guide, of course) reminded me of the REAL description in my Eastern Europe LP in the introduction to neighbouring country Moldova:
"Moldova is not exactly what one would call a press darling. If there are any reports at all from this land-locked country, they highlight intense poverty, illegal organ trading, human trafficking, civil war and communism.
Such reports of this rarely visited country fail to mention the sunflower fields and enormous watermelons."
What's a bit of organ trading when a country has enormous watermelons?
DVD Jon does it again: Apple ipod code cracked
I thought this was pretty interesting:
My new favourite quote
- Oscar Wilde
Le journal intime d'un glutton à Paris
Several average chapters of my trashy novel later, I found myself pulling into the far more lovely Gare du Nord. And there they were. The enigmatic Alex who vanished mysteriously from our lives a few months back, only to pop up in photos from France, and our long lost Jenny. And she looked HOT!
Ok. More chic. But also so warm and welcoming with a big grin and a lovely compliment at the ready.
In a bit of a haze I was escorted by my local hosts back to ‘Republique’, guided round piles of dog turd, over cobbledy paths through the PARIS(!) streets until we found the big doors that lead to the smaller door that lead to the old (read scungy) staircase that lead to four more flights that lead to the little door that lead to the delightfully fresh and cozy SRF Paris branch.
Let the eating begin!

Saturday? Alex came in with pastries. Add coffee, more meat and cheese and some very interesting fishy paste and you have a breakfast of ‘champions’ - (French for Champions).
Some wandering down brilliant streets past chocolate shops and delis to aspire to and crepes were the next logical step. Savoury ones. With cidar.
More walking, then coffee at a café. More walking then beers at a pub. More walking (stopping at a bizarre supermarket selling only frozen foods, and not just your peas and pies, either) then it became rushing as Alex and I realised a very great need to pee.
Then more walking and dinner at a very charming little French restaurant where I feasted on Confit Canard and a darling little chocolate pudding with easy red.
Then more walking and mojitos next to a spewing man.
Then back to the apartment for wine.
Breakfast was a very delicate creation from Alex – figs with goats cheese wrapped in prosciutto (I think) green plumbs and a citrus fruit the name of which Jenny will leave for me in the comments of this post.
‘Light breakfast’ I imagine you thinking to yourself. Well we needed room for the savoury brunch that followed. Sweet crepes (and a waffle for Alex) on a roundabout. A very grand roundabout.
Sadly, this all left only enough time to admire some very raunchy cake decorations before it was time to escort the fatter and happier Aussie back to her train.
Leaving sucked.
A big thank you to Jenny and Alex for their wonderful hospitality. I hope its not too long before we see you again. A big apology to all readers for the over abundance of superlatives in this post. It really was that good.
Post Proliferation!!
Anyway, to finish off my "catch up post" duties I thought I'd post some photos from our housewarming.
For those who didn't make it, The House of Fillet was officially warmed on Saturday night. This marked the end of unpacking and the set up of our first place together!

The rest simply are not fit for publishing!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Our BEST EVER score

With Flit leading the team and Jen playing a magnificent tackling game at the rear, we were in for a sweet victory! Noodle broke the seal with our first ever goooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The team went wild......
Then the opposition unleashed their secret weapon....a 30 year old bloke who appears to have once played for the Brazilian National Football team....or so one would think! He dribbled, he taunted, he scored...again...and again...and again. Our goalies did their best and we even discovered a natural talent in our very own G'Nick as goalie. But alas we were not able to close him down. Bryan certainly tried to maime the poor guy first with a full body roll to knock him over, then a boot in the arse and finally a ball to the shoulder...nothing seemed to stop him! Jen ran far and wide and got stuck in at every opportunity, Noodle used those noodley legs to cause much havoc and John consistently kept the pressure up from his position up front.

Mattes caused more joy when he booted in a goal from the halfway mark and Flit followed this example with another nicley placed shot!
Still the brazilian kept coming
A few accidental handballs gave the opposition a few free kicks....luckily they were a nice bunch and allowed the girls to take them....both went wide and didn't score.

Our girls were far superior to the oppositions girls with Jen taking our player of the match and Bron and Shari giving them hell down the wings. If only the brazilian had not been on board (he isn't a regular player, they were down and he was just helping out) we would have walked away with a mighty fine score. As it happened we came away with 4 goals (Flit scored the fourth), not quite enough to beat the oppositions 24, but at least it gave us a 1 in 6 ratio which is better by far than anything to date.
The team played well and with great energy. Onwards and upwards for the mighty SRF!!!!
So London, 'ere we come eh
My hotel was absolutely beautiful, very deserving of its *****. I stayed in the 'Sir Carol Reed' room and was utterly charmed.

I absolutley loved my time in the London office. Loads of funny people to meet - dodgy poms in the back office, crazy Europeans in the front office. They took me out for beers and dinners and swept me off my feet with 'big office' glee.
I also took the opportunity to catch up with old friends. Here, Alyssa, Ingrid and Sabrina from Tangara:
Here, Penny Best from Brighton (my dodgy roommate extraordinaire from Vietnam):
And of course there were the many ECA sponsored beers.
(An assortment of fabulous people from Client Services and Business Development at my farewell drinks on Friday night.)
The weekend in between entailed fabulousness of another kind altogether. Stay tuned for the crowd pleaser tomorrow - tales from Paris!

Miss Me? - Tahiti
It's been a crazy few months for me, the last of which has been spread across four different countries - French Polynesia, Australia, England, France. (That doesn’t include my stops in Thailand and Hong Kong but I’m pretty sure they count as countries…)
Today - a quick run down, starting with Tahiti.
It was a week in Paradise doing unheavenly things. By day I trotted about in the heat trying to make my highschool french understood and interpreting labels and signs while I priced my 125 items.
Afternoons I spent by the pool with a book, ipod and poolside drinks and snack service. I have resisted the urge to publish photos of me enjoying yet another island paradise.
At night, lounged around my room with room service and movies.

Tahiti was a pretty strange place compared to the other Pacific islands I've visited. Firstly, the food was wonderful - trust the French to bring delightful cholesterol laiden foods when they colonise a place! Not a patch on the NZ influence in Cook Islands or the American influences in Palau.
The street scapes were totally different too - quite built up with a more European feel to the architecture and a more Asian feel to the layout. All still with that distinctly tropical island feel.
Monday, October 23, 2006
My new Camera!
Flit gave me this beautiful new little camera. It is a Canon Ixus60...and it is amazing. The photos are 6 megapixel and it has every feature under the sun!
From the ability to take mega close ups which actually look like something...

to being able to isolate a single colour in an otherwise black and white shot!

Anyway, there is still much to learn, but loads of fun trying things out!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Football training homework

Of course I expect everyone to play just like him come training on Sunday, just try not to drink like him. And for those of you who may ask why I'm requesting you watch a video of a famous Man Utd player may I remind you that he's the one who once said...
"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered."
Genius indeed.
Other George quotations can be found here
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Night Noodle Markets

The dancing party in the thick of it all.
Now when I say stumbled, I mean "Bolted" towards after I revealed that they do proffertjes with loads of yummy toppings!

We're not sure how to pronounce it, so we just say "proffertijesesjeses"

These are what the little gourmet delights are: a dozen small fluffy dutch pancakes covered in hot chocolate fudge with fresh strawberries and whipped cream with a generous dusting of sweet icing sugar. Or you could go the maple syrup and strawberry option, or you could have mixed berries, or Caramel fudge or banannas or other wonderful sweet things!
To eat them, one is given a few toothpicks! odd I know, but once we were all ensconced on the low wall of the main fountain we tucked in and covered ourselves with sweet sticky fudge, syrup and icing sugar! YUM!
Just as a side note, year 12 have now finished for the year and it was time for the annual detergent-ing of the fountain.

Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday Wash up

Now on to this weekend....damn it was busy! We broke the Summer seal and went to the beach for the first time this season...the weather was great! 35 degrees, but as soon as we touched the water we froze! it must have been 15 degrees in there...we soldiered on and eventually settled into it. After we dropped Mattes and G'Nick back at HOC, we headed off to buy our new scanner. I could honestly put up a post just about how great this piece of technology is! I know you all want me to, but we can't have everything we want! let's just leave it at Woohoo!
We managed to fit in some footy training on Sunday afternoon in the rain...I swear this weekend was like Melbourne...it went from boiling hot, to windy as hell, to cold and wet within the space of 24 hours!
Anyway, Soccor is on tonight and we're gonna knock 'em dead...well....maybe. GO the Mighty SRF!
I guess I should really have put in some photos that were relevant to this weekend, but the one of me blowing that trumpet was appalling, and the HOC ones don't do your plight justice. Maybe next Monday we'll get some up to date relevant shots of something...I know...Our housewarming!!! Woohoo!