As you may already be aware, my beloved gave me a Harmonica for my Birthday (well technically it's a Blues Harp) and I've been steadily annoying the neighbours and fellow Nuggets. The good news is, I'm bringing it to Quidong! I know you are all probably jumping for joy at this wonderful news, and frankly I can't wait to be sitting around the campfire after a hard day's shearing and mud-fighting, soothing your souls with a haunting melody. Well that's how it plays out in my mind anyway.
I guess I'm just hoping to one day be as good as my idols Howard Levy and Cara Cooke or as sharp as the boys from Harp Attack! One thing I have noticed since doing some google research on the blues harp is that everyone that plays it is a bit touched in the head. I have to admit this concerns me, as there is no information regarding which condition causes the other.

I also take requests, although there is no gaurantee of any resemblence to requested song apart from title.
I think you will find that your beloved took the link with mental illness into account when purchasing the ideal gift for you.
Holy crap you're boring... almost as boring as I am!
I did not give you that noise making contraption
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