Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I think I can

So I think I finally figured out this BLOG thing. I am making no promises however. As far as I know I could be typing this onto some hackers site as they are busily robbing what it left of my savings account.

Any hoo I think I have some very over due home work which is what did I do 2 week ends ago?

My memory is not what it used to be but as I recall I worked Saturday Night and Sunday 12-8. Did have Jenny's surprise dinner on the Friday night but I don't know if that really counts as every one was there.

My day today has been very exciting. I woke up at 10 to Brian parents who let me know that all ground floor windows in our house need to be bricked up. I am concerned that the neighbor's will start to think we are running a speed lab. This Landlord is fast becoming my least favorite, especially when I found out we are only living in our house by a the grace of a temporary occupancy order and that council could ask as to leave. I am getting tempted to remind our land lord about "full disclosure" and section 56 of the trade practices act grrrrrrrrr.

So I was walking along king street bumped into a nice blonde girl at one of the 12 pharmacies and have myself a lunch date.

That will do for my first post and I will end with yes my spelling and grammar suck. I am aware but if you all want to play the game of spot the error's go ahead......


Matt said...

who is this mystery woman?

Richard said...

Your windows need to be bricked up? Temporary occupancy order? I take it that the building hasn't been formally approved by the council or something?

Also, I second matt's curiosity over the identity of this woman!

Sarah said...

Congratulations and welcome to the blog late-commer!

I echo the previous sentiments of confusion and curiosity...

john said...

ooohhh. Do tell Nick....

john said...

about the girl...

Sarah said...

GABBY! Where is YOUR overdue homework young lady? Do you think that just because you have a boyfriend you don't have to do it?!

Now be a good girl and submit your work. You'll be up for two lots this weekend if you don't hurry!

Margs said...

Way to go Nick! nice work with the date....details please!

[Gab, I think this is Nick Hayes, not your little bro (sorry)]

I think you need to stop "thinking about..." and start actually doing with this landlord...I think he is a jerk who is trying to con you all! Let me at him!!

Nick said...

Well Time to revel my date but I doubt anyone will find this out as who read old comments anyway?
It was a friend of mine called Jessica who works in Newtown. I was walking past and saw her in her shop and made luch plans. Not as exciting as you were all hoping. But the though of me on a date got you all excited.

Ok i going to continue looking for potato salad recepies now.