The Venue: The Gourmet Viking
The Date: 16th September 2005

Contrary to this photo, there was no actual viking on the menu.
We ate, drank and were merry....
Mostly we ate meat with sides of meat and some meat sauce, the occaisional egg was thrown in and of course a few pickled herrings. The wine flowed freely and the camera didn't seem to stop clicking. For a moment I felt a pang of sympathy for the other diners in the restaurant...
Then the atmosphere, horned helmets and wine kicked in and all sympathy flew out the window. You were all there so I feel it is probably more necessary to show you the photographic evidnce rather than give you a blow by blow account....

The girl of the moment showing us how it's done!

Scary Viking types...

ummm...sorry had to be posted

awww...aren't they sweet...

I don't think I can comment on this one...
It was a fabulous night. We'll miss our wonderful girl, but she always has a home here with us at the Stephen Roberts Foundation.
Good one Lady!
That last photo has GOT to win some kind of prize!
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