In case anyone is wondering why on earth I would post the results of Australian Idol, the answer is that Jenny made me promise to do it! So brace yourselves, you are all going to be living the idol experience through my eyes!
This week, Laura Gissara got booted from the competition. It's a shame in many respects (with the possible exception of the fact that she just wasn't a great singer). She copped a lot of shit over the past few weeks because she was voted in when they all expected Roxanne Lebrasse to get in. So everyone basically blamed her for being popular, and the judges have taken every opportunity to rip into her no matter what.
Of course, the girl that "should" have taken Laura's place, supposedly, then went on to the wildcard show, where the judges pick two to go through, and the public picks another. But do they put this singing sensation through? Do they bugger, they choose to put through a different two people, and thereby leaving Roxannes fate up to the public (you might wonder how they could do this if they thought she was so special, but read on!).
They expected the public to put Roxanne through, and yet again were surprised when she came second and saw someone else voted into the top 12. So now they have fucked about with this girl who they thought was so deserving, they suddenly announce that they are bending the rules and putting Roxanne through ANYWAY, making it a top 13 not 12. So then the bastards announce that 2 people will go on the first night to make up for it (in other words, they essentially gave away someone else's place to Roxanne, even though she hadn't been chosen by the public).
But I digress... through out all of this, everyone gave poor Laura a really hard time for basically not being quite as good as the others but somehow getting voted in anyway. Rather than recognise her efforts, or encourage her, they just dumped shit all over her until the public put her out of her misery. And now they have.
Oh, and just so we are clear, Kyle Sanderland is a talentless cock with a vastly over inflated opinion of his own importance.
it is clear that you have invested a touch too much emotional energy in this Rich.
I always do... you guys are all in for an eight week roller coaster ride of fun, facts and above all else a frightening facination with a televised karaoke competition.
I am just sorry that the girl with the black-mullet-wig-hair in the background didn't go instead.
Thank you to Richard for this generous community service. We all know how much the SRF could use a bit of culture!
We still await a post by Mattess with bated breath...
This truly is a fantastic community service Richie....I am not taking the piss either. This now means I don't have to watch the blasted show, but can still keep up with the gossip...excellent!!! Emotionally invest on I say!
What are you going to do this Sunday Richie?
Isn't that the REAL reason Suzy is staying home this weekend...
To tape Oz idol for Richie?
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