My weekend was fairly uneventful after the splendourous festivities of Friday night. However, I did engage in a spot of photography on Sunday. You see, some friends of mine in Melbourne had this fantastic and very original idea to make a calendar of ourselves for the end of the year. Of course, Stephen Roberts has never done this, but if they ever wanted to we would be quite happy to share our very original and fantastic idea.
Anyway, below are the entries for Sarah and myself as they stand so far (they're still works in progress):
Sarah Poppins in her high-flying corporate capacity....

....and another day at the office for me.

So there you have it! Fresh off the press. Besides this, I spent pretty much the rest of my weekend being fed by Sarah's mum, who is still hell-bent on the idea of fattening me up. Let her try!!!
I'm flying!!!
That's it, I'm sueing!
could you look any less interested in flying?
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