9 points! there was no way we'd overcome that one. There were a few teams in the comp who gave us a run for our money (when they showed up) and we were sure they'd triumph over us with this disadvantage.
The first round began.....name the last 6 British PMs, name 2 asian countries beginning with L, who sang these two versions of this song, which arm did Nelson lose?
So far so good...we were tracking well, with confident answers and little conflict.....we were on our way to overcoming the handicap...
First round ends.....scores are tallied....O'Leary announces.....we're in 4th place...no suprises there (bloody 9 points!).....
PERFECT ROUND! Huge suprise there......we looked and looked again and yes it was true....we had correctly answered every single question......with our 9 points lost we still had a score of 30! we couldn't believe it......the air of hopelessness lifted and we were careful not to replace it wth cockiness......what would round 2 bring now?
The triumphant first round team.....with our perfect round score sheet!

Second round and we were in 4th place, a place we expected to be due to our massive handicap (and I'm not talking about Matt), the questions were hard, the sweat was on the brow, the discussions were deep and thought provoking. Is Sri Lanka on the Bay of Bengal and if it is, then where is Cambodia? What is the third Bond film with a body part in the title? Who sang that song and what year was it released?
Time and again the SRF were stumped. We thought for sure we had cocked up royal and there would be no free drinks for next week.
Time came for us to call "COPY" and hand in the answers we had sweated over.... would we come in 4th still? or had we slipped to 5th or worse...6th? the beers were drunk nervously, the nails were bitten to the quick....
A drunk loser broke the tension by pissing off O'Leary at the joker board.....
All answers were tallied and the scores were read out....39, 42, 46, 48, 51, 53, 55, 55, 58, 59...
59 was the winning score.......59 was the SRF's score!
WHAT??!! How??? Huh!?
Confusion reigned supreme...were our competitors that stoopid or were we better than we thought?
We had won by 10 points......amazing...there was much whooping and cheering...followed by a small tickettape parade and the keys to the city were handed over. The SRF had triumped against the odds!
The Victorious Team! Unfortunately we now have a 10 point handicap for next week....will SRF be able to do it again? stay tuned.....

Oh the Glory! All those HECS bills have finally paid off!
Kaloo Kalay!
Me oh my, what a wonderful day!
Matten, I like the first picture of you! Silly looking noodle, Noodle.
Hey! Go easy on the noodle. We sure showed that O'Leary though! Heh heh heh. Thought he was so good. Handicap us, hey? Yeah, GO ON AND TRY you CRAZED LOON!!!!!!!!
Nice one! What happened with the Joker board?
Joker board?
Someone won $80 or $90 cash, and the other two I don't remember. The thing with the drunk guy was that he won, and while he was choosing his card he was simultaneously slurring abuse at some liquored-up tart at the other end of the bar, and at everyone else generally, and O'Leary started to get a little TETCHY with him for taking so long. It was quite amusing.
I'm not a handicap, I just have one.
I didn't even know that Bastard's name was O'Leary, or did we make that up like we normally do for Trivia hosts?
It was a sweet sweet victory, that's all I can say, and it was the Chiko roll that got us over the line, I'm sure of it.
we genii Bron say so huck huck
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