On the weekend my parents held an October birthday festival. Seeing as we have so many October birthdays Mum thought it would be a very good idea to combine them all into one day....My sister-in-law, Kim, is on the 17th, then me on the 20th, then my little bro, Paul, on the 24th and my little nephew, Max, rounds it out on the 27th. It was a great day I must say. There are now 4 grandchildren in my family and each one is as cute as a button ( I may be biased, but I'm not admitting it!)
I thought I'd share some photos with you all and show you how big they are and just how lovely too. The first is of our newest addition, Billy, he is so calm and poised all the time. It's quite funny to see the other children fuss around him and all the time he sits (or stands) quietly, with a look of intense interest on his face...he is never fazed by anyone, and unlike other children, he will continue as he is even if the house fell down around him. He is a prince among babies...such regal bearing and a calm and steady gaze...

Now comes the princess with her loyal subject. Here we have Abbey reigning over the bubble mixture and lauding her age and therefore superiority over my beautiful little Gus. Now Gus (real name: Michael) is only 18 months yet his princess is nearly 3....ahh the power of genetics. They both stand at roughly equal height and he matches her stubbornness with smiles. Where she is a true princess he is indeed a gentleman...never one to fight over toys or complain of ill treatment he bows to her whims and cheerfully finds other means to occupy himself. Having said these things, our Abbey is sweet and girly...she thinks she is Barbie and when she is sad the mere mention of that name brings a smile. Abbey is the light of my brother's life. She is gentle and kind, she won't step on an ant or pull off a lizards tail.... while the odd tantrum flies, she is generally content to dress and re-dress her Barbies and smudge her Mothers lipstick all over her flawless little face.

Finally I must showcase my favourite. I know I shouldn't have favourites, but when one of the children belongs to a beloved sister, the impulse is too strong to ignore. I would never tell any of them that such is the case, but when reality hits I must admit it. My wonderful little Michael Augustine, the smile, the voice, the intent focus on the goings on around him. To watch him point at a can of cat food and hear the tiny meow fall from his lips is a thing of beauty, when he points at any kind of grill or grate and his little face screws up to form the word "fan" my heart melts, how could any one not love this little boy? The photo you see below was one of many taken on the day as he filled and emptied and refilled his little watering can. The smile never leaving his precious little face.

So now that most of the boys have vomited over my words and many of you girls may even think I have been too soppy and pathetic, I am happy with my small family and I am even happier to share them all with you.