After another week of startlingly average performances, James Kannis has been voted Australian Idol by the voting public. Seen above in a beautiful fauz-80's ensemble, his moment in the spotlight was robbed by the cry-a-holic Emily who somehow managed to make it all about her by bursting into tears (YET AGAIN!) at the news that she hasn't been voted off yet. To be honest, James had been growing on my the past few weeks, I thought his Big Band performance was excellent, but his 80's song just wasn't good enough.
So, my amazing powers of precognition have once again been highlighted. Irrefutable proof of my spectacular psychic gifts, as you can see from my last post I predicted Jame's departure.
The 80's show was a bit of a letdown I think, all those awesome possible song choices to make, and yet for the most part you wouldn't even have known that the songs they all chose came from the 80's at all! I also can't believe that burke Lee got a touchdown for his comically bad "punk" version of Eye of the Tiger.
My theory is, Mark Holden got in trouble for his vehement critisim of Lee a few weeks ago for not caring about the song he was singing (Holiday by Green Day), and as a result has gone too far in the other direction, praising him regardless of his actual performance. His big band song was just boring, and his 80's song was atrocious and yet somehow he is getting pats on the head for it... Noone should be rewarded for being a one-trick pony, which is what Lee is. What are they going to do when they want him to sing the same pop-trash that they always give the finalists after idol, and he is only capable of cover versions of Green Day/Smash Mouth etc? (Short answer: Unless he wins, and he won't, he won't be getting a record deal - Nosdrew has spoken).
Next week, I think Daniel (non-dreadlocked) will be going, which is a shame because I like him. He just isn't on the same level as some of the others, and I think that it is costing him votes (as it should). I also think Emily's days are numbered, partly because she bursts into tears when anyone speaks to her (regardless of whether it is good news or bad news), and partly because she has no range between Very Loud and Silent. It works for some songs, just not many of them! Coupled to the fact that we have now seen her in the bottom three, and I think its safe to say she will be out in the next few weeks.
And since we are making predictions, I am going to go out on a limb and say I think that Anne Robertson and Dan England will make the top two, with Anne being made the new Idol. Kate is also finalist worthy, but I don't think she can top Anne or Dan. As long as Lee and Emily are both ejected ASAP, I actually don't mind who wins which is kind of wierd for me, normally I have a favorite or two, but this year I just can't bring myself to care enough because none of them are really worth it.
I have to say that I agree about Lee. He can't do anything except punk-rock, and even that is average. I don't know what Mark is thinking. Last year if people tried that kind of crap they'd be slammed for not 'embracing' different genres. It's ridiculous.
However I have to say that I was glad to see James go. I was sick of his churlish attitude.
I agree with you, oh Nostdrew, that Daniel will probably be next to go. Or as I like to call him, Ol' Twinkle-Eyes. Unfortunately, I think that he's perfect for the old-lady market, perhaps he can take over from Barry Crocker. Or if Ridge from Bold & Beautiful's singing career really takes off (he's currently touring an album here in Australia) then perhaps those twinkly eyes will be just what Daniel needs to get a new daytime TV gig!
Well oh Nosdrew! Absolutely spot on about Lee...what a dickhead...not only is he a one trick pony (very apt) but he also has ADHD! can that guy stand still and loose the gormless frin for one second???!!!
James was just plain irritating...I don't think he sang a whole song in key once. Apart from very minor looks, he had nothing going for him!! or as Sarah would say "He had nothing to offer the world"
In regards to next week..I think we'll see twinkle eyes leave. While he is technically proficient..he is abit vocally boring and oh so dreary in his personality.
I think Anne will win...she's my fav...so pretty and damn can she sing...pity her 80s choice was so crap. I also think Emily will be up there and so will Dan.
Basically what I'm saying is that Nosdrew is pretty spot on with his predictions...I'll hitch my buggy to that star!
I am not 100% sure about Emily, but I am pretty confident she won't last. She is just so annoying!
Daniel - Emily - Lee - Kate - Dan - Anne is my pic, although I would prefer Dan to win (and for Lee to be fired on a rocket into the Sun).
BTW, does that Ridge guy ever actually LEAVE australia? Every time I turn around, he is on Rove or making butter commercials or what not.
Butter commercials? Are you thinking of Fabio?
I could swear he did some kind of marg or butter ad too, although I could be wrong. Seems unlikely though, given how AMAZING I am...
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