The first part of the study shows the effect of other peoples Karaoke on listeners
Apart from the odd bout of incontinence, the experiment seemed to be going well. However before long, some worrying behaviors started to exhibit in the subjects.

bizzarre courting rituals,
and aggressive posturing.
It didn't stop there. Physical changes began to occur in the subjects...
Including head growths...
and serious facial deformities.
This one got aggressive
It didn't stop there. Physical changes began to occur in the subjects...

Once we had the subjects contained in a small room, they settled down to sing some awful, awful Karaoke

This experiment came to a close not long after due to a funding and energy shortage.
The research team has reached the conclusion that Karaoke mixed with alcohol is a highly dangerous cocktail that should only be used in small doses under adult supervision. We do not condone its use in public.
On a personal note, the Author would like to give a shout-out to all his Homies (Word to ya Mother).
On a personal note, the Author would like to give a shout-out to all his Homies (Word to ya Mother).
I would like to nominate Matt for a Stephen Roberts Foundation Excellence in Photography Award.... You captured the evening perfectly. I've always been a fan of hard-hitting, gritty journalism. Well done!
The work Matt can do with digital imagery makes it look like i was on the floor singing kareoke! Matt you really should put disclaimers on the photos....
Yes Matt! I can't remember any abuses of alcohol or any bad singing...I remember fun and superstars in the making!
I also recall a certain star(r) frestylin' on the wacka wacka wacka microphone!
I for one am so glad you were able to capture the essence of the night in pictures, as I wasn't able to attend. I shall use them as evidence to have my secret evil twin committed for the benefit of herself and for society.
Was this study sponsored by an american company? Or was the missing vowel in behaviour an accident?
But it looked like a great night, I'm sorry I missed it! Meanwhile I went to a party here in Paris! Yay, my first Paris party, and I was invited to another next Friday! I will put it on my page this afternoon.
I see Jen you've settled well into the land of snobbery and pedantry.
Richie is from the poor of grammar land
Damn, I hate it when you make a few changes to what you are going to post and end up put not good talking stuff in there result as a.
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