Suzy and I went to see "Into the Blue" yesterday, since the weather was so lovely we decided a movie might be the way to go. Options were limited, but Suzy insisted we go and see the movie which apparently revolves around Jessica Alba in a small bikini. I am pretty certain those are the exact words used when pitching this film to the executives. I believe the working title was "Non-stop Footage of Jessica's Ass"
Surprisingly, it was actually pretty decent for a sunday afternoon. I have always been an Alba fan, and I don't mind Paul Walker either. Suzy was just there for the gratuitous shark footage (As this is a Hollywood action title, it wasn't enough for a bad guy to be eaten by a shark, it had to be crotch-first) It went down pretty much as expected, with a few surprises here and there, and overall I definitely enjoyed myself.
My rating: 3 1/2 string bikinis
What can I say? Don't judge a book by its boobies.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you are more of a Walker fan than an Alba fan.
For the last time Matt, suspicions based purely your own feelings will just get you into trouble.
Just because you find Paul Walker sexually attractive, it automatically doesn't follow that everyone else does too.
(God, I wish I had a dollar for every time Matt and I have had THAT little back and forth)
Me too...homo
I am rubber, you are glue. Bounces off me and sticks to you!
I know you are (a homo) you said you are (a homo) but what am I? (not a homo)
Nice one Lady!
So very true!
Sorry Sarah, Matt has tried his best to convert me but I remain staunchly heterosexual. You will have to make do with only one raving homosexual in the group.
Please click here
Yes, I called that one Matt
And Paul Walker you called "Dreamy"
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