It's that time again Kiddies, the votes have been cast, the teeny-boppers have spoken and Milly the Mullet has left the stage.
I am kind of sorry to see Milly go, although it wasn't particularly surprising. She has been consistently seen in the bottom three, so it was really just a matter of time. People really don't vote based on singing ability for these things, so onces you start slipping in popularity the best song in the world is unlikely to save you. Not that she did a particularly good job mind you, I'm just saying its not relevant to the result.
I think the Judges are being even less impartial that ever this year. They obviously have a few targets who they wish to get rid of (Laura being the most obvious example), and will just rip into them regardless of their performance. They did it to Chanel last year (Marsha was so obviously against Chanel, it wasn't even funny. People would get up there and forget their words, and Marsha would encourage them to try harder, and then Chanel would do an excellent job and Marsha would rip into her song choice and not comment on her actual performance at all), and they are doing it this year with a few of them. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony BMG have decided to get in early and target the people they want gone.
James Kannis (sp?) did a great job with "Swing" on Sunday, but I was surprised to hear the judges bag him out for it, while they praised others for their boring boring songs. Needless to say James was also in the bottom three, as he has been quite often, and his days are also numbered. He is my pick to get booted next, based more on the Judges determination to tear him down than his own ability. I think they have got the level of critisim just right in order to influence the votes the way they want without accidentally making them the object of pity. Just look at what happened to Casey Donovan last year...
During the Beatles show last year, Casey chose Eleanor Rigby, and got up there and forgot a bunch of the words (artfully covering them up with humming, noone noticed!). The judges ripped the shit out of her, but she ended up with the most votes that week by an absolute landslide, and went on to win the entire comp, much to what could only be horror on behalf of the record label. I hope I am not being too controversial when I say that I suspect that given the choice, the record company would have picked the fit (admittedly short) italian man beloved by 12 year olds across the nation rather than the massively overweight 16 year old girl who hasn't even finished school yet. They have obviously learnt from their mistakes, and are being a lot subtler when it comes to ripping down those who they don't wish to see win the competition.
Another reason why someone called "Casey Donovan" could be a potential marketing disaster can be found here
Good bye Milly the Mullet!
I think the loss of Rikki Lee last year was a big blow to the record company. She was cruising for glory before SHE massacred a Beatles song.
Singing ability is just NOT an issue!
But Rikki only got booted because everyone felt sorry for Casey. Casey massacred her beatles song even more horribly than Rikki, but the difference was everyone felt sorry for Casey because she got picked on by the Judges.
That Beatles night was kind of funny actually, because it went so horribly horribly wrong for them.
Hmm. I don't think I agree on that one Richie. I thought Casey was really well supported by the judges. They were always 'encouraging' her and she got the most touchdowns of all last year. I do agree that Casey did so well because she was seen as the under dog though. The little battler.
I thought she had a good singing voice too. She just wasn't cute and bouncy like everyone else last year. (Like Chanel! Vomit!!)
What did they expect when they got a bunch of kids (most of who have never had the pleasure of hearing a beatles song) to cover them??
I'm sorry to see Milly go...I think she is too young, but give her a couple of years and abit more experience, whack her in front of a band (something like George) and she will blow everyone away...I think she is one of the more talented in the show.
In regards to singing ability...I think this year is seriously lacking in that department...not sure if its just them or if they are just a symptom of society's banality these days!
I think Milly's voice was only marginally above average and she doesn't have the looks or charisma to make it as a solo act, so I don't think it is unfair she got marched.
Doesn't that Dreadie bloke have a good voice? I reckon he'll win it.
As to massacring Beatles songs, that little twerp Callea butchered "I Saw Her Standing There" last year and got a right and justified bollocking from Dicko. And he made it to 2nd. Maybe there'es a pattern here people!
I have to say Chanel was my favourite last year and she kicked arse on the Beatles night.
I liked Chanel last year too!
And I am very glad to see (or at least hear) Milly go, she was bloody annoying!
Casey and Rikki were both shit and anthony callea too, I guess the point is that the people voting are ideally the ones that would be buying the drivel, and I don't think we fit into that demographic. Don't get me started on bloody Guy Sebastion.
You go girl! Smash them all!
Chanel actually has just released an album, as part of a group called "Spook" (www.spook.com.au). The mp3 snippets sound interesting, definitely different to the karaoke crap they sing on idol.
Chanel is pretty much the only person from three years of idol that I would actually pay money to listen to, the rest have been dross as far as I'm concerned.
Jenny is right, they aren't meant to appeal to us, it is aimed squarely at the tween-agers and everyone who owns a Justin Timberlake album. So Evil Nick qualifies I suppose...
Chanel interested me to start with but after a while she made me want to VOMIT! She was a smug, predictable PIA.
She's a good performer though. I'll give you that. She just bugged me. A lot.
I'd pay for an album by Courtney! He has been my absolute favourite over all the series so far! Not only did his voice kick arse, but he wasn't your text book tween-god and he's had so much experience that he looked polished and professional...he never forgot his lines and he was never pitchy!
Definately the best!
yeah, I rate courtney too. I think he was in Grease the stage musical recently.
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