John Peel day of course, well it is in the UK anyway (and should be in the rest of the world). For those of you who are unaware, he was a legendary dj (in all forms of the term) best known for playing the unplayable (occasionally at the wrong speed), he died suddenly about a year ago and today has been named after him
"Peel's unique standing as a peerless champion of leftfield and independent music will be honoured with more than 300 gigs across the UK. Events are also planned in Spain, Germany, Italy, US, Holland, New Zealand and Canada" - but not Australia eh!

In reading through some of the news articles about this momentus event I found a few trivia bits and quotes that I thought I'd share, such as that he was present at Lee Harvey Oswalds arraignment.
He had over 25000 vinyl albums at the time of his death which required floor strengthening in his house and spent an average 6 to 8 hours per day listening to them. At one time he was accused both of playing too much and playing too little music by black musicians, he resonded...
"Frankly, I listen to music with no concern whatever for the race, colour, religion, preference in breakfast foods, height, shoe size or whatever-you-like of the music makers. The only footling prejudice I do permit myself is this - musicians I suspect of supporting Everton or Arsenal have a bugger of a time getting their ponderous tripe on to the programme." (he was a Liverpool supporter for those of you wondering)

And to those of you bored senseless by this rambling, John would like to say.......

when he was younger he looks like 'the man from uncle' guy.
God rest his soul, the man was a genius. Don't worry Flit I have a black armband on too.
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